A Council of Light-Beings called The Guardians introduced the concepts of Starfire Wisdom Academy to Luma Lor as a “way-showing” system for people to liberate their consciousness and evolve. 

Luma has combined this stellar guidance with other wisdom teachings from sacred lineages that she has permission to share and has developed her own creative programs for today’s world. 

Starfire Wisdom Academy was born to deliver these innate wisdom tools to people and guide them through transformational programs, ceremonies, and classes. 


LUMA LOR — Author, Oracle, Mentor, and Founder of Starfire Wisdom Academy

Luma is an intuitive oracle called Oracle Pegasus, a spiritual teacher, workshop facilitator, ceremonialist, award-winning composer, performing artist, and mother. She is the author and teacher of the book Starfire Wisdom: the Adamantine Tablets of Diamond Consciousness Teachings. 

For over 30 years, she has been serving clients and students in life transformation and higher education. She has participated in and facilitated hundreds of indigenous ceremonies, and her Cherokee ancestors claim to be descendants of the Star Nations. She composed the divinely inspired musical score for the critically acclaimed rock opera Magdalene, Woman of Light, about the return of the Divine Feminine. Luma studied Self-inquiry meditation in India with Self-realized master Sri Papaji, a disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi, who blessed her to further teach Self-awareness to Westerners. She has been featured on TV and radio and at live events, including the Whole Life Expo and PBS-TV. 



Luma is passionate about bringing illuminated kindness to humanity and the earth and has dedicated her psychic talents and mastery to serving as an oracle known as Oracle Pegasus.

Oracle Pegasus is the name for Luma when she serves truth seekers with her abilities to receive and transmit wisdom and guidance from multidimensional levels of consciousness. Pegasus is the winged horse that signifies illuminated power, wonder, and service, and Luma receives this image in her mind’s eye once the secure transmissions are to begin.