Luma Lor Luma Lor

Starfire Breath Origin Story

Kryste Andrews, a dedicated Starfire Breather, asks Luma about the origins of this unique and life-changing breathwork technique. The roots trace back through indigenous tribes of the western hemisphere, including the ancient Toltecs.

My dear friend and colleague, Kryste, spontaneously asked me what the source of the Starfire Breath was. Having become an expert Starfire Breather, follower and breather, she wanted to know the origins. So this little video clip is my spontaneous, unedited response to her. Please click on the Read More link below to watch the video and learn for yourself the interesting origins. I hope you find it amusing! Luma

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Luma Lor Luma Lor

Breathing with Wild Dolphins

Breath is life. As humans, our biological lifetime clock starts ticking with our first breath out of the womb. Our continuous breathing measures out an entire human lifespan on this planet until our last breath bookends the birth entrance with a lifetime exit. Breath can also do more than just sustain life, and through teaching breathwork and being taught by wild dolphins directly, I discovered deeper mysteries around the phenomenon of just inhaling and exhaling.

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